Did you see the show and have some
feedback? Want to tell others what you thought of it? Do you
have an idea that you think we could incorporate into the
Holiday House? Then e-mail us your feedback to info@lightupxmas.com
and we will post it here.
2006 Feedback:
Stopped by to see the show tonight, and despite a light rain, it was still an amazing show. You.re right, you have to see it in person to really appreciate it. Thank you for all your and your teams. efforts.
Wayne Newbre |
100,000 Christmas Lights
Over 2,000,000 control states
10 miles of extension cords
Watching my 5 year old son dance on your driveway tonight: Priceless!
Thank you for one of my most precious Christmas memories.
Blessing to you and yours!
Dawn Cauthen - Big fan from last year :-)
p.s. My parents fly in from out of state next week and I can't wait to bring them by! |
We cannot express our thanks! We came by tonight wanting to video tape some Christmas lights for our son, now serving in Iraq. Well, we got your light show on tape and I am burning a DVD for him and his buddies! I hope this brings some Christmas joy to your hearts knowing that the 10th Mt. Infantry out of Ft. Drum, NY now serving in Iraq will be viewing this! (Hooah Golden Dragons!)
Thank you...thank you...thank you!!
The Bressler's
Proud Army Parents |
You have NO idea how many you've touched with the time involved for what you've done. I'm sure your videos have been sent worldwide and I remember seeing them on the net last year. Thank you for brightening (litterally) up Christmas around the world.
Best holiday wishes,
Dave & Sue Shultz
Perrysburg, Ohio |
Awesome! You have done far more than I ever have (maxed out at 10k lights) and I commend your choice of music.
Robert Huskison |
Thank you so much for bringing us all such a wonderful, multi sensory experience! I saw your house on KCRA & made a point of finding it right away, so I could share it with family & friends. Clearly this is inspired work & it brings so much joy to the Sacramento community. I also wish to commend you for your collections for the food banks. I hope you make this an annual tradition for many years to come. Major kudos all around!
Kathy, Logan & Kenna |
The show was to say the least "AWESOME". My grandchildren loved it.
Thank you
Dan Grimshaw |
Kenny Magana |
2005 Feedback:
Bravo! This was the most fantastic delightful
light show I’ve ever seen! I can hardly wait till
next year. Dawn
Comment by Dawn Valerio — January 13, 2006
This was the most creative display I have
seen in a long time. It rivals the fountains at Bellagio
in Las Vegas, no joke. THANK YOU so much for your time
and energy - this was clearly no afternoon project.
Tell us what we can do to contribute to your efforts,
besides pass on the word. I’d like to help you
as you have helped us! Peace, Joy
and Love for the new year!
Lisa Castro
Comment by Lisa Castro — December 27,
2005 |
We heard about your display from a friend and
went to see it tonite– TOTALLY AMAZING!! The combination
of so many lights and the fast-paced music was fantastic.
Your energy and creativity is enviable. Thanks for a
fun show–what a great way to finish up the Christmas
season. We’ll be back and bring our friends next
year. God Bless. Comment by D. & K.
Gray — January 1, 2006 |
Saw a brief news clip of it on the KCRA Ch.
3 news at 11pm one night when they were showing some
of the good lights to see. When we saw your light display,
we knew it was something we had to see for ourselves.
Glad we did. We know a lot of work went into the display
and we thank you for all your hard work. Hope
you’ll put video on your site soon so others
can see it. BTW, we were the couple in the Mini Cooper
with the Union Jack flag on the top that stopped right
where your camera was set up.
Alice and Rob Saunders
Comment by Alice and Rob Saunders —
December 26, 2005 |
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. Saw/Heard the display last
night, (Dec. 26) with minimal traffic and a positively
CLEAR, (no fog), view of the ENTIRE HOUSE. What a feat!
Congratulations to EVERYONE involved for providing a
wonderful gift to those in your community as well as
those visiting from surrounding areas. We HAVE GOT to
encourage other communities to incorporate this since
I don’t think you’re going to have adequate
space for the WORD OF MOUTH advertisement you’re
going to witness (in drive bys)if you do this again
NEXT YEAR! Thanks so much—-a foothill family.
Comment by Sherry — December 27,
2005 |
Thanks for lighting up our neighborhood so
we can enjoy it every evening. It’s been a lot
of fun for our friends and family also. Having watched
the process, you are to be commended for your creative
endeavors and persistence. Thanks! Barbara
Comment by Barbara McVey |
The show was amazing. I will be going quit often
to check out the new songs and any changes. Comment
by Jen — December 20, 2005 |
Absolutely FANTASTIC! What an incredible show.
Our family thoroughly enjoyed it, and will be bringing
back more family soon! Thank you for this special holiday
treat and sharing your talents with the public. Have
a great year. Comment by Debbie
Kick — December 20, 2005 |
My family and I saw the show tonight. We all loved
it. My 2 1/2 year old granddaughter absolutely loved
it and wanted to see more flashing lights after we left,
unfortuntely there is no other show around like this
that I know of. So I guess we will have to go back.
Thanks for putting on such a nice show
Comment by Sandy — December 20, 2005 |
thanks for all the hard work. hope you do
it again next year. Comment by
sam — December 21, 2005 |
GOOD JOB! That was the best light show we have
ever seen. Thank you for the great entertainment. Hopefully
you will have it going on Christmas day, we would like
to bring all of our dinner guests. All of your hard
work shows, and it turned out great! Comment
by Martinez/Coughtry family — December 21, 2005
It was pure joy and made us laugh. My 3-year
old wants to go back over and over. Lucky we live around
the corner. Thanks so much for the Christmas spirit.
Mary Comment by Mary Glum —
December 21, 2005 |
That had to be the most amazing thing I’ve
seen! My 78yr old mother and I sat and watched the song
three times through. I can’t wait go return to
see a new song. Thank you for this wonderful Christmas
gift. Comment by Martie — December
23, 2005 |
It was absoultely the coolest thing i have
ever seen. I have actually gone back 3 nights in a row
and have brought many of my friends. They all say they
thought it was incredible and now they are telling all
their friends! We love what you’ve done and it
is an awesome choice of song. Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Comment by Kelly roberts —
December 24, 2005 |
We came by your house this evening as our first
stop on a tour of some of the homes listed in the Sac
Bee. Needless to say, your home spoiled us for the rest
of the tour! Your house totally amazed our family of
2 adults, a 4 year old boy and 21 month old girl! We
were astounded and so impressed by your effort and creativity.
I’m really hoping it will be running Christmas
Day because we would love to come by again. Thank you
so much! Comment by Dawn Cauthen —
December 24, 2005 |
I drove by and thought “OK, cool flashing
lights but nothing special”. Then I turned on
the radio and got the big WOW. Great job and I even
liked the music. Comment by Brad
— December 24, 2005 |
I brought my husband by a few nights ago, and
we couldn’t wait to bring our family tonight after
our Christmas dinner. 14 of us piled into our cars and
headed down there! Loved your new song and still love
the original. It’s an awesome and amazing display.
The best I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much for
all your hard work. You brought us that extra bit of
holiday cheer. Happy New Year!
Comment by Melissa — December 25, 2005
Thank you so much for sharing your awesome
Christmas light display. It was spectacular and beautiful.
Of course the TSO’s music is quickly becoming
a modern Christmas holiday staple and works so well
with the lights!! We’ll look forward to stopping
by next year. Thanks again Comment
by judy pontious — December 28, 2005
We’ve been out three times now, and will
be back with our daughter and husband on New Year’s
Day. The tiny videos I took with the Christmas camera
turned out pretty well, but I’m going to try again!
Thanks SO much for all the hard work and the beautiful
display! Comment by Jan Yarnot —
December 28, 2005 |
Thank you so much!!! You did such an amazing
job and should be so proud of yourself. Your display
looked like something you would see at DisneyWorld.
We enjoyed your show so much that we returned a second
time with more family members. We can only hope you
do it again next year.If you have time could you let
us know the names of the songs you used, it was a perfect
choice. Thank you again for your generous contribution
to the community and for making everyone’s christmas
a whole lot brighter. Thank you
Comment by Steffanie — January 2, 2006
Thanks for entertaining all of us this Holiday. We especially
enjoyed talking with you in front of your house New
Years Eve. We returned New Years Night with some other
family members but it was raining too hard for them
to get out. Keep up the good work next year. As we discussed,
I would also be interested in any information you want
to share or sell on how to do it. With the exposure
you had this year, besides having the neighbors involved
next year it would be great to have a “chain”
of homes within driving distance with similar themes.
Nate Comment by Nate — January 3,
2006 |
We loved the “private” showing
you gave us last night! We were in awe. Getting a peek
behind the scene was mind boggling! What a work of love,
creativity and skill. Congratulations and thanks to
all involved. The TV spots did NOT do it justice! Being
there and hearing the music in person is THE ONLY WAY
TO VIEW IT! Thank you for creating a special Christmas
spirit! Jim and Judy Comment by
Jim and Judy Mathews — January 11, 2006
Wow!!! What a tribute to Mozart for his 250th
birthday! I just watched the “Queen of the Night”
video, after getting this website address. My family
told me about your Light Show. I lived 10 years in Carmichael,
it’s fun to experience seeing events as yours
from my computer in Thun, Switzerland! Amazing.
Happy New Year…in candlelight now?? Comment
by Audrey Taber — February 8, 2006 |
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